Thursday, 31 October 2013

And on it goes....

Halloween. The date we had chosen as test day for this 'magic' cycle. And although my period has come and gone, we are in a better place than we were at this point after last time. There's still a strange sense of suspended time hanging over the house though. It's like when you know there's rain coming - even when you have no need to leave the house, you still keep looking out the windows and wondering where it is. I keep looking at the cupboard thinking 'that period was pretty light/short..' I know how ridiculous it would be - taking a test after my period - but it's almost like I'm missing the closure of that negative.  Funny, that's what it was like waiting for my period last time. Maybe I need them both to make it real.  Managed to hold off taking it anyway.

Thinking of using the instead cup for next attempt although we're still debating weather to wait until after the new year to try again(not wanting to risk long-haul flights if I do get pregnant in the next couple cycles). Will continue to think these things over and distract ourselves with research.

In the meantime, Happy Hallowe'en to all who celebrate

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Hallowe'en is coming...

It's been a week since our 1st insem of the cycle and we're feeling a little less stressed about this try, which is a good thing as work has chosen to pile it on again. 'Symptom'-wise, it's been pretty minimal: some forgetfulness, increased appetite, moments of queasy-ness and, the one that I find most intriguing, itchy breasts. I'm not counting the mild backache at the moment, despite the fact that it started at about the same time as the queasy-ness. A is off work sick at the moment and I was helping her to move furniture out of the back room in preparation to letting it out.

There's some mixed feelings about letting out the room: the extra money pays half our rent and would leave us free to save more mad-money for our Christmas holiday visiting family in Peru. In a two bedroom flat, it is also quite awkward arranging times when our donor can pop over and we can feel comfortable inseminating without being disturbed by the sound of someone else moving about (although, if I am pregnant this month then this point is mute)

The thing is, I've always been a bit possessive about my space and whilst I'm trying to be a bit more open minded about the idea of a stranger in our home, I'm still not quite as comfortable with it as A is. This is not made any easier by the fact that we had to ask our friend to move out following an incident involving smoking inside (I am vehemently opposed to living with smokers - even if they smoke outside, it still comes in on their clothes and sits in the soft furnishings) We'll just have to see what happens when the first person comes to see the room later today.

Couldn't finish on a negative note, so I'll include some happy thoughts here: babies, rainbows, kittens, Ben & Jerry's phish food (which we've recently re-discovered), winter evenings spent in front of the stove with cocoa, long walks in quiet parks, leaves turning gold, Re-runs of Hocus Pocus and nights at the theatre.

Monday, 14 October 2013

The Magic Cycle

CD 17 and we are good to go.

With our donor, R, abroad last month, we had to sit the last cycle out. And we had almost given up on this month, after the previous cycle ran over a little (eleven days-but who’s counting?) moving likely ovulation dates back into a planned holiday. As it was, we needn't have worried. Looks like another long cycle this month and with it, a delayed O date.

We’re feeling good about this. Tomorrow’s insem falls on the waxing side of a full moon. And with our planned test date of Samhain, we may find the added boost of magic it takes to create something wonderful.