Had a talk with the health visitor today. I talked about the stress leading up to baby's birth with having to fight for the midwife led unit, then the raising creatinine levels and the threat of induction; I talked about the chaos of her birth and my feelings on that and I explained how I have had trouble letting go in my mind of how everything worked out. I cried a little. In the end she said she thought I should talk with someone more professionally qualified to help me work through these feelings. She hesitantly suggested that what I am experiencing is not unlike post traumatic stress.
At home, I had a bath with baby, gave her a massage and let her have 10 minutes nappy free play. Baby is growing so fast. Already she can roll over and almost sits unsupported. She is not quite crawling but can confidently drag herself 3 or 4 feet at a time so we have spent a lot of time double checking our baby proofing recently. She likes her food. She started trying solid at almost 5 months. Her favourite is definitely watermelon. How quickly she is turning into a little person with likes and dislikes and a personality I am falling in love with more and more each day.