Saturday, 26 April 2014

Here's hoping...

Eeurgh! Bad taste, bad taste. I don't know if it was the smell of scrambled eggs/ greasy chicken/ fish oil interacting with a tummy bug (not all at once, obv.) or if this is a serious contender for the tell-tale symptom, but something sent me racing for the bathroom last night and again this morning. It started with a bad taste in my mouth - somewhere between pennies and dentist's glove - and I tried to neutralise it by snacking on bread w. balsamic vinegar (can't get enough of the stuff at the moment, so it's always in the house) and that seemed to help.

By bedtime, my tummy was roiling and I'd reached that point where I was wishing I could just throw up so that I would have the chance to settle for the night.  It was the smell in the kitchen that finally got to me and I felt at least some relief as I hurled myself into the bathroom.  The same kind of thing happened this morning.

I've found it's easier to deal with if I sit with a cup of tea for a few minutes to let my stomach settle before I put anything in it. I know it's not helping my caffeine intake but if it's enough to keep me functional then we'll go with it.

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