Monday, 5 January 2015

Jingle Belle (Part 1) Due Date + 2

As always happens with us, everything kicked off at the last minute this holiday season.  I'm taking two posts to cover everything. This one deals with pre-Christmas and there will be another later today or tomorrow to bring everything up to date.

December started out as pretty uneventful.  I took walks to stay limber, worked on getting the flat set up for baby's imminent arrival and kept up with the housework.  I even found time to get us ready for Christmas: baking gingerbread, sending out the cards and putting up decorations.  We couldn't believe what an easy, healthy pregnancy I was having.

Then the other shoe finally dropped.

The day after our last appointment with the midwife, I called to set up a tour of our first choice birthing centre.  The consultant had signed off on the low-risk-only midwife led unit, pending the results of one final test, my maternity notes were filled with printouts of great lab work and normal blood pressure and I was feeling good; healthy, happy and ready to go.  At the midwife appointment, the results of the final draw had come in and whilst they were slightly elevated, she had told me they were within a normal range for me and had suggested booking in on the tour ready for the big day.
But at the same time as I was booking in on the tour, the antenatal clinic left a message on my phone.  Because the results of the last draw were elevated from their baseline reading, they wanted to repeat the test.

I went on the tour anyway.  It was three weeks to my due date and I had every reason to believe it would work out.  It had taken a whole week after the results were made available for them to call me and so I figured it was never that urgent.  Whilst I was visiting the unit, I spoke to one of the midwives about my history, the monitoring during my pregnancy and the most recent results.  She called up my results from the system and said that whilst they were a little elevated, she saw no reason it should cause a problem.

Feeling relieved, I went back to the antenatal clinic a couple days later.  The consultant was happy with my health and said that, short of the results turning topsy-turvy, I was good to go.  She even wrote in big letters in my notes that I was good to go.  We did the draw just before I left and she said she'd marked it as express and would call me with the results later that day.
It actually took four days for her to get back to me with the news that my creatinine levels had risen further.  Thirteen days to my due date and the word 'induce' had started creeping into conversation....

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